Elim Ladies - Aspire

Elim Women - Aspire

Elim's national women's ministry is called Aspire and seeks to encourage women to be all that God has called them to be and to equip them to fulfil His purposes.

Aspire seeks to encourage women in Elim to be salt and light for Jesus - who reach, inspire, support and equip others.

REACH - Reach and connect with women in local churches and the wider community

INSPIRE - Inspire women to fulfil their potential and make a difference in their sphere of influence

SUPPORT - Support women in achieving their dreams and goals

EQUIP - Equip women through teaching and ministry to fulfil the purposes of God in their lives

We hope you, and some of your female family members and friends, will be able to attend some of our Ladies events.

To find out what Aspire events are scheduled have a look at our Church Calendar.

For more details contact: info@estuaryelim.co.uk
