The Awakening Prayer Guide


 9 May 2024
Rev. Dr. Dean Courtier

The Awakening Prayer Guide

A renewed emphasis on prayer
For too long, prayer has been relegated to a secondary role, often neglected in the planning of important programmes and activities. This, in turn, has created a vulnerability in the spiritual realm. The underlying assumption was that God's presence would naturally accompany our acts of faith. However, a powerful awakening to the centrality of prayer is sweeping across the Church, both here in Britain and internationally. Every new church planting, outreach initiative, and programme is now being saturated in prayer - before, during, and after its execution.

At the forefront of life-changing prayer
The Elim movement has proudly stood at the forefront of promoting life-transforming prayer. Over the past decade, we've witnessed a surge in both momentum and intensity surrounding prayer. This emphasis resonates not only within Elim, but also in churches across the nation. The people of God are rising to the challenge of witnessing our nation transformed by the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Simple steps to deeper prayer
This concise guide offers practical pointers designed to empower individuals, groups, and entire churches to witness God's escalating power manifest through prayer and intercession.

A call to deeper reflection
We invite you to delve deeper into the practice of prayer. Consider how you can personally engage more profoundly and how you might guide your congregation and fellow believers towards a richer prayer life. The guide below provides foundational concepts to assist you in becoming 'Awakened' in your prayers to Jesus Christ.

Download the Awakening Prayer Guide  Download the Awakening Postcard